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Investment strategy

of CriptoKapital


To date, investment in infrastructure Blockchain has been the best it has cast with many projects beyond the Bitcoin and Ethereum rising to the rank of unicorn and surpassing $1B. From CriptoKapital infrastructure, we believe Blockchain will continue to grow as we develop more uses for the technology. For example, invest in infrastructure (Ethereum, Avalanche, Fantom...) it would be like investing in the internet itself, that is to say, in all the potential of the Blockchain.


As we mentioned before, the first sector that seeks to revolutionize the Blockchain industry is finance, and therefore can not be missing in our portfolio. The most important thing is that in this revolution, we are NOT only talking about Bitcoin but rather a compendium of decentralized applications that seek to break the financial markets traditional.


It is the word of fashion and could not be missing in our portfolio. From CriptoKapital we're not going to invest in Ntfs, but in the infrastructures that allow you to create, buy and sell such NFTs. The potential of NFTs is amazing, but in these moments, the valuations of many of these projects are given by pure speculation, and when a market is in its infancy it is best to invest in infrastructure.


Probably one of the sectors most neglected by investors, but where the technology Blockchain makes the most sense. The management of logistics through technology Blockchain not only makes it safer for businesses and consumers, but also more efficient and it is up to the Davos forum have commented on the need to apply the Blockchain to the supply chain.


With the birth of the internet, the data is converted in the real digital gold and the great world such as Google, Amazon or Apple did with its monopoly, empleándolos indiscriminately to maintain its position as the most relevant companies in the world. With the birth of the Web3.0, there will be a democratization of the data and the individuals will begin to have more power over your information. A very interesting example would be for the clinical records of health, since people would have the control of your health information and could not only share important information with their primary care physicians, but they would have the opportunity to sell, so love him, a part of your information to the pharmaceutical, clinical trials... The property of your information opens the doors to new markets data both health, as consumption or virtually anything you can imagine and, of course, this creates a market space for companies that want to act as the protectors of such data or intermediary in exchange. From CriptoKapital, we will invest in projects that are already developing proposals tremendously interesting for this self-control of the data, as well as those infrastructures and protocols with the potential to arise in the coming years.


In October 2020, Google publicly revealed the details of a cyber attack last launched against its servers in September 2017. A DDoS attack of February 2020 against a customer of Amazon Web Services (AWS) was the highest run against AWS, up to that time. The past month of September, the search engine Yandex, with headquarters in Russia, suffered the largest DDoS attack in history in the Russian segment of the Internet. The decentralised nature, based on consensus and trust of blockchain makes it naturally resistant to these attacks, and are already building applications that seek to increase the security of existing ecosystems. From CriptoKapital, we see in the market of cybersecurity, a true gem to exploit the technology Blockchain and projects very powerful being built today.


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